- 拍品名称:
- 毛泽东韶山留念章
- 图录号:
- 3045
- 年代:
- 艺术家:
- --
- 材质:
- 作品分类:
- 尺寸:
- 起拍价:
- 开通VIP查看价格
- 拍卖公司:
- 美國寰宇
- 拍卖会名称:
- 2020 新加坡迎春艺术精品拍卖会
- 专场名称:
- 杂项专场
- 拍卖时间:
- 2020年1月9日
- 备注:
- 声 明:
- 一代伟人毛泽东是中华人民共和国缔造者,是中国人民的大救星,是伟大的政治家、诗人、军事家.是永远值得纪念的世纪伟人.毛主席的伟岸鼓舞着人们。主席是吉祥的象征,它保佑大家平安、幸福,正面为毛泽东同志头像浮雕,背面为韶山毛泽东同志故居镀彩图案,红色藏品2018年涨幅达87.5%, 1993年发行的毛主席诞辰百年银币近年上涨两倍,是目前收藏热之首选。Mao Zedong is the founder of the people's Republic of China, the great savior of the Chinese people, the great statesman, poet and strategist, and the great man of the century who is always worth remembering. Chairman Mao's great shore inspires people. Chairman is a symbol of auspiciousness, which blesses everyone's peace and happiness. On the front is the relief of Comrade Mao Zedong's head, on the back is the gilded pattern of Comrade Mao Zedong's former residence in Shaoshan. The red collection has increased by 87.5% in 2018, and the silver coin issued in 1993 for the centenary of Chairman Mao's birth has tripled in recent years, which is currently the first choice for collection.